Monday, December 29, 2008

Price Hill Chili for the Beginner

I went to Price Hill Chili in the company of a Price Hill Chili pro. I am not a pro, I'm not a native Cincinnatian, and worse, I live on the east side. But I was eager to discover this institution, and after a couple of wrong turns, I found my destination and a double decker with my name on it.

It's places like Price Hill Chili that make me wish I could eat like a hot dog champion. I don't want to order one thing, what if I pick wrong? My cheese and tomato double decker was fine, everything a cheese and tomato sandwich with cholesterol-free mayo can be, but I saw a parade of better-looking entrees floating by my table. The table next to us received a double cheeseburger stacked like a skyscraper. I wanted to leap out of my booth and snatch it right off their plate.

I didn't resort to stealing anyone else's food, I've just resigned to re-visiting Price Hill Chili until I get it right. Any suggestions?


WestEnder said...

What you want is the Landmark Hoagie. And a couple of Rolaids.

(FYI, PHC is owned by right-wingers if that factors in to your dining choices)

Allison Johnson said...

Aw, right-wingers? That's annoying. Oh well, thanks for the menu tip.